Wednesday 15 January 2014

no flour Banana and Oat Cookies

Ultra Healthy Banana and Oat Cookies

No sugar, no flour, no butter…no way? 
Yes way!  I have finally found a great recipe for healthy cookies that are wheat and dairy (and even sugar – bonus) free.
As a mum, I am constantly thinking about food and what to feed my children.  The thing I find most difficult to provide is healthy snacks.  I don’t know about you but my kids are alwayshungry.  The girls are pretty easily satisfied with some fruit or some biscuits or veggies with hummus but my toddler, he’s much more of a challenge.  At fifteen months, he can’t walk, he can’t talk but what he does know for sure is that inside the pantry door is a jar full of biscuits and he wants one…NOW.  And at 4pm, right on meltdown o’clock, when I’m juggling ten things at once…I really just want to give him one!  These Banana and Oat Cookies are so full of healthy, energy giving, stay-full-for-longer ingredients that I am very happy to dish them out…in fact I’d be happy for him to have one every day.

Toddler Taming Tucker
This recipe is from The Healthy Chef’s website I have been reading Teresa’s healthy recipes in House and Garden magazine for years but only just discovered her website through a friend (thanks Miss Mel).  It is well worth a look if you are into healthy and delicious fare!
Banana and Oat Cookies
makes 12 – check out The Healthy Chef website for a few alternative ingredients but this is how I made them…
1 cup mashed ripe banana (about 1 big banana)
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 cups  rolled oats (make sure you get Gluten Free oats if you are Gluten Free!)
1/2 cup  desiccated coconut
1/2 cup  rasins or cranberries
1/4 cup  honey
1/4 cup  olive oil

What's more satisfying than a full cookie jar? Master L says an empty one!
Preheat your oven to 160 degrees fan forced and line a baking tray with baking paper.  Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well using your hands so the mixture comes together.  Use a tablespoon to measure out 12 cookies and roll them into balls, then flatten slightly before putting on the baking tray.  Bake for 25-30 minutes.  Cool before eating.  Store them in an airtight container and they last about 5 days…as if!
I would love to hear about the kinds of snacks you feed your kids…what works, what doesn’t…leave a comment and share the love on mamacino!
Happy Eating!

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