Wednesday 15 January 2014

no flour anzac biscuits

A super-healthy version of everyone’s favourite Australian biscuit. We have made this recipe numerous times now – it’s a winner.  Of course, I tweak, tweak and tweak recipes, so mine is a little different to the original recipe I found over at Teresa Cutter’s website. I absolutely love Teresa’s recipes - she makes really great healthy sweet treats. There is also a gluten-free and paleo friendly option for this biscuit on her site.
So this is what you need:
1 cup almond meal ( I whizz almonds in the thermomix to make my own)
1 cup organic rolled oats
1 cup organic coconut shredded
1/2 cup rapadura sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup Banaban coconut oil
2 tablespoons apple juice concentrate
1/2 teaspoon bicarb soda
1 tablespoon water
This is how you do it:
In a mixing bowl, throw your almond meal, coconut, rapadura, cinnamon and the oats. Stir.
really healthy anzac biscuits
Fling the coconut oil and the apple juice concentrate into a small saucepan and stir over a low heat.
Really healthy anzac biscuits
Combine the bicarb and water, then add to the oil mix - it will froth up like a science experiment. Get the kids to watch for some cool mum points.
Really Healthy Anzac Biscuits
Add the frothy mix to your dry mix and combine it well. Add a little water if it’s too crumbly.
With wet hands, shape small balls of the dough (I got about 30 from the mix, but it will depend on how much you sample as you go ;) ).
Whack them onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
Really Healthy Anzac Biscuits
Bake for 20-30 minutes, checking on them so they don’t go black and crispy.
Cool down and then eat.  These biccies will freeze well and keep in an airtight container for a week or so (they won’t last that long, because they are sooo yummy!)
Really Healthy Anzac Biscuits
As always, let me know if you make them and how you went. Tell me your tweaks too ! Sharing, of course is always advised as we like to spread the love. :)

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