Wednesday 15 January 2014

no flour Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Graded Choc Chip Cookie A-5404
I’ve been craving chocolate over the last few weeks, so I thought I’d share my purely delicious oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. What I love about this recipe is that it’s so simple that it will only take a few minutes to put together.
The secret to making it lies in the mixing. Making sure the ingredients are well combined then gently massaged and squished together with your hands so that the oats still remain intact.  Don’t be tempted to put this into a food processor –  the result is not quite the same as hand made.  Enjoy !
What’s good about it:
Oats are a great source of soluble fibre that fills you up, so you feel fuller for longer.  According to studies, the beta-glucan fiber found in oats can help regulate your appetite for up to 4 hours as well as help lower cholesterol. I’ve also used macadamia nut oil in this recipe which gives it a lovely buttery flavour and is also heart healthy and anti-inflammatory to the body. Cacao from dark chocolate is rich in Magnesium, iron, copper, manganese and riboflavin, essential micronutrients for health and vitality.The high flavenoid content of cacao has been scientifically likned to a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Cacao contain theobromine that boost endorphins and increases mental alertness.
200 g ( 2 cups /7 oz)  Organic rolled oats
50 g (1  3/4  oz) flaked or desiccated coconut
60 g (2 oz)  macadamia nut oil or your choice cold pressed coconut oil or butter (melted)
60 g (2 oz) manuka honey or organic maple syrup
1 organic egg
100 g (3  1/2 oz) block good quality dark eating chocolate 85% – 90 % based on your taste
Preheat your oven to 150 C / 300 F.
Combine oats, coconut, oil or melted butter, honey and egg into a mixing bowl.
Mix through with your hands for a few minutes – squishing the ingredients together until the cookie starts to come together.
I often like to rest the mixture for 5 minutes after mixing – so the oats soften a little more and hold together when squished.
Chop up the chocolate with a large knife.
Add chocolate to the oats and mix through.
Form into 12 cookies…I love using a small ice cream scoop for this – so easy that way.
Place onto a prepared baking tray and flatten slightly.
Bake for approx 20 minutes or until golden.  Check half way through the cooking…they are delicate so you need to watch them.
Remove from the oven and cool completely.
Enjoy any time.
Keeps in an airtight container for 1 week.
Makes 12 cookies
Rolled quinoa can be used in place of the oats for gluten free.
I always like to make a double batch – these are soooo yummy.
Add a pinch of cinnamon if you like it.
Cacao nibs can be used in place of the dark chocolate.
Dried organic apple and a touch of cinnamon is a lovely change from the chocolate to mix it up a bit.
For more chocolate chip cookie recipes go to almond flour chocolate chip cookies
Nutritional info per cookie
Protein: 2.2 g
Carbs: 14 g
Total fat: 11 g
Saturated: 4.7 g
Fibre: 1.2 g
Sodium 12.8 mg
kilojoules: 683
Calories: 163

no flour Chocolate Cupcakes

FEEL LIKE A LITTLE CHOCOLATE THERAPY ? Well here it is.Delicious one bowl chocolate cupcakes that take a few minutes to make with just a few basic healthy ingredients. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that cocoa which comes in the form of cocoa powder and dark chocolate can improve heart health, lower blood pressure and reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. When choosing cocoa powder or chocolate to eat, make sure to  choose the dark variety as it has a higher antioxidant content than milk chocolate.  I’ve used almond meal in this recipe which makes these cupcakes deliciously moist with a lovely crumb and the macadamia nut oil adds a lovely sweetness and full of good heart healthy mono-unsturated fats. You can also use olive oil, extra virgin coconut oil or almond oil in place of macadamia nut oil if you prefer.  These cupcakes keep well for about 5 days and can be eaten warm or at room temperature. I love these topped with smashed berry sauce or topped with my home made chocolate and macadamia nut nutella.
1 ½  cups (150g) almond meal
¼ cup (21 g) unsweetened good quality cocoa powder
1 teaspoon gluten free baking powder
2 free range/ organic eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
60 ml (1/4 cup)  macadamia nut oil, light olive oil, avocado oil or cold pressed coconut oil
60 ml milk (¼ cup) your choice of dairy, almond or soy
2 tablespoons honey or rice malt syrup
Preheat oven to 160 C – fan forced. 180 C no fan.
Combine almond meal, cocoa powder and baking powder.
Add the eggs, oil, milk and honey then mix well to form a smooth batter.
Spoon into 12 small individual cupcake tins.
Bake for 25 minutes until puffed and cooked through.
Serve alone or topped with chocolate frosting or raspberry sauce.
Nutrition per cupcake:
Protein: 4.3 g
Total fat: 13 g
Saturated: 1.6 g
Carbs: 5.4 g
kilojoules: 645
Calories: 154

NOTE: For nut free cupcakes so that the kids can take them to school.  Substitute almond meal for 1/4 cup coconut flour, increase eggs to 4 in place of 2 and add another tablespoon honey. You can also throw in a little vanilla bean paste which give the cupcakes a lovely sweet flavour.  Bake as the instructions then enjoy. You can get coconut flour from most health food stores.

Muesli Bars

When that mid morning or afternoon hunger sets in, make sure you’re prepared with the right emergency foods to help keep you on the right track. Fresh fruit, trail mix or yoghurt make a terrific snack and so do these delicious home-made muesli bars that will take the edge off any hunger and are much healthier than the traditional store bought versions. These bars take around 5 minutes to mix up from your favourite bircher muesli combo then all you need to do is bake them. Like most muesli bars,  I’ve made mine with rolled oats. The soluble fiber can help lower blood cholesterol and because they are low GI, they  can provide lasting energy.  If you’re on a gluten free or paleo diet just substitute the oats for nuts, seeds and sun-dried fruit. My muesli bars provide a good source of protein to help keep you fuller for longer and I’ve used  a little olive oil which is kind to the arteries and anti-inflammatory to the body.
3 cups (350g) natural bircher muesli
½ cup (50g) LSA – (ground linseed + almonds + sunflower seed)
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup (60 ml)  olive oil
1/4 cup (60 ml) honey
Preheat oven to 160 C. fan forced. Combine muesli, LSA, eggs, vanilla, cinnamon, olive oil and honey in one large bowl until mixed through.
Spoon into a baking tin lined with baking paper.
Bake for 25 – 30 minutes until golden.
Cool then cut into 16 pieces.
Nutrition Per slice:
Protein: 4.5 g
Total fat: 8.3 g
Saturated: 1.2 g
Fiber: 2.6 g
Carbs: 16.4 g
Kilojoules: 583
Calories: 157
NOTES: - For gluten free or paleo diets substitute bircher muesli with 3 cups combined  (almond meal, seeds, walnuts + sun-dried dried fruit). - LSA is a mixture of ground linseed sunflower seed and almonds you can buy at your local health food store or supermarket.  You can also replace this with 100% ground almonds or linseeds (flaxseeds).
- Pump up the protein and add 2 tablespoons Healthy Chef Pure Protein
- For those with egg allergies, replace with mashed banana in the recipe.
 - These bars will keep in an airtight container for up to 5 days.
 - Store in the fridge.

no flour anzac biscuits

A super-healthy version of everyone’s favourite Australian biscuit. We have made this recipe numerous times now – it’s a winner.  Of course, I tweak, tweak and tweak recipes, so mine is a little different to the original recipe I found over at Teresa Cutter’s website. I absolutely love Teresa’s recipes - she makes really great healthy sweet treats. There is also a gluten-free and paleo friendly option for this biscuit on her site.
So this is what you need:
1 cup almond meal ( I whizz almonds in the thermomix to make my own)
1 cup organic rolled oats
1 cup organic coconut shredded
1/2 cup rapadura sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup Banaban coconut oil
2 tablespoons apple juice concentrate
1/2 teaspoon bicarb soda
1 tablespoon water
This is how you do it:
In a mixing bowl, throw your almond meal, coconut, rapadura, cinnamon and the oats. Stir.
really healthy anzac biscuits
Fling the coconut oil and the apple juice concentrate into a small saucepan and stir over a low heat.
Really healthy anzac biscuits
Combine the bicarb and water, then add to the oil mix - it will froth up like a science experiment. Get the kids to watch for some cool mum points.
Really Healthy Anzac Biscuits
Add the frothy mix to your dry mix and combine it well. Add a little water if it’s too crumbly.
With wet hands, shape small balls of the dough (I got about 30 from the mix, but it will depend on how much you sample as you go ;) ).
Whack them onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
Really Healthy Anzac Biscuits
Bake for 20-30 minutes, checking on them so they don’t go black and crispy.
Cool down and then eat.  These biccies will freeze well and keep in an airtight container for a week or so (they won’t last that long, because they are sooo yummy!)
Really Healthy Anzac Biscuits
As always, let me know if you make them and how you went. Tell me your tweaks too ! Sharing, of course is always advised as we like to spread the love. :)

no flour chocolate chip cookies

gluten free chocolate chip cookies
Gluten free, naturally sweetened. Go ahead, try one.
This is one of the first chocolate chip cookie recipes that I created. Two subsequent recipes for gluten free chocolate chip cookies that I now prefer to this one include the vegan chocolate chip cookies on this website, and my all time favorite gluten free, dairy free chocolate chip cookie in The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook.
For those of you that were wondering, I use this website as a journal for the recipes that I write. Once in a while if there is a particularly classic or special recipe it will make it into one of my cookbooks. However, every recipe that goes into my cookbooks is tested by numerous people, including professional recipe testers. Sometimes recipes are tested upwards of 50 times before they make it into a book.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

  1. Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl
  2. Stir together wet ingredients in a smaller bowl
  3. Mix wet ingredients into dry
  4. Form 1-inch balls and press onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet
  5. Bake at 350° for 7-10 minutes
  6. Cool and serve
Makes 24 cookies

no flour Banana and Oat Cookies

Ultra Healthy Banana and Oat Cookies

No sugar, no flour, no butter…no way? 
Yes way!  I have finally found a great recipe for healthy cookies that are wheat and dairy (and even sugar – bonus) free.
As a mum, I am constantly thinking about food and what to feed my children.  The thing I find most difficult to provide is healthy snacks.  I don’t know about you but my kids are alwayshungry.  The girls are pretty easily satisfied with some fruit or some biscuits or veggies with hummus but my toddler, he’s much more of a challenge.  At fifteen months, he can’t walk, he can’t talk but what he does know for sure is that inside the pantry door is a jar full of biscuits and he wants one…NOW.  And at 4pm, right on meltdown o’clock, when I’m juggling ten things at once…I really just want to give him one!  These Banana and Oat Cookies are so full of healthy, energy giving, stay-full-for-longer ingredients that I am very happy to dish them out…in fact I’d be happy for him to have one every day.

Toddler Taming Tucker
This recipe is from The Healthy Chef’s website I have been reading Teresa’s healthy recipes in House and Garden magazine for years but only just discovered her website through a friend (thanks Miss Mel).  It is well worth a look if you are into healthy and delicious fare!
Banana and Oat Cookies
makes 12 – check out The Healthy Chef website for a few alternative ingredients but this is how I made them…
1 cup mashed ripe banana (about 1 big banana)
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 cups  rolled oats (make sure you get Gluten Free oats if you are Gluten Free!)
1/2 cup  desiccated coconut
1/2 cup  rasins or cranberries
1/4 cup  honey
1/4 cup  olive oil

What's more satisfying than a full cookie jar? Master L says an empty one!
Preheat your oven to 160 degrees fan forced and line a baking tray with baking paper.  Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well using your hands so the mixture comes together.  Use a tablespoon to measure out 12 cookies and roll them into balls, then flatten slightly before putting on the baking tray.  Bake for 25-30 minutes.  Cool before eating.  Store them in an airtight container and they last about 5 days…as if!
I would love to hear about the kinds of snacks you feed your kids…what works, what doesn’t…leave a comment and share the love on mamacino!
Happy Eating!